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译林版九年级英语上学期 期中提优检测试卷(含解析)

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期中 提 优检测试卷 学校 :___________ 姓名: ___________ 班级: ___________ 考号: ___________ 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 一.选择题(共 15 小题,满分 15 分,每小题 1 分) 1 .( 1 分) The film Me and My Motherland caught Chinese people's ___________and many cinemas were full of audience during the National Day Holiday .(  ) A . celebration B . attention C . position D . suggestion 2 .( 1 分) There is no doubt ______ the Harry Potter series is ______ again and again .(  ) A . whether ; well worth reading B . that ; well worth reading C . that ; very worth to read D . whether ; very worth to read 3 .( 1 分) When I feel stressed , I prefer on the ground myself .(  ) A . to walk ; to relaxing B . to walk ; to relax C . walking ; to relaxing D . walking ; relax 4 .( 1 分) He entered university before becoming NBA player .(  ) A . an ; a B . a ; an C . an ; an D . a ; a 5 .( 1 分) We'll meet kinds of difficulties in our lives in the future . We should learn to be_____any challenge! (  ) A . confident enough to take on B . active enough to take up C . enough careful to take up D . enough patient to take on 6 .( 1 分) my sister I do well in our lessons . My mother is very proud of us .(  ) A . Not ; but B . Neither ; nor C . Either ; or D . Both ; and 7 .( 1 分)﹣﹣﹣ How do you like the two pairs of shorts ? ﹣﹣﹣ They don't fit me well . They are _______ too long _______ too short .(  ) A . either ; or B . both ; and C . neither ; nor D . not only ; but also 8 .( 1 分) The research he had devoted himself ______ a perfect success .(  ) A . to proved B . proved C . to prove D . to proving 9 .( 1 分)﹣﹣﹣ Would you like to see the film called "My Motherland and Me" ? ﹣﹣﹣ Of course . Lots of friends have told me it is well worth______ .(  ) A . watch B . be watched C . to watch D . watching 10 .( 1 分) Hurry up! The meeting ______ on for half an hour .(  ) A . is B . was C . has been D . will be 11 .( 1 分)﹣ When shall we hand in our book review on The Kite Runner ? ﹣ As soon as it .(  ) A . completes B . is completed C . will complete D . will be completed 12 .( 1 分) _______ you offered him! (  ) A . What useful advice B . What a useful advice C . How useful advice D . How a useful advice 13 .( 1 分) All of us doubt there will next week .(  ) A . if ; be snowy B . whether ; be snow C . that ; have snow D . whether ; have snow 14 .( 1 分)﹣﹣ Excuse me , could you tell me ___ ? ﹣﹣ Yes . It's about twenty minutes' walk .(  ) A . how long it takes to go to the park B . how far it is from here to the park C . how does it take to go to the park D . how far is it from here to the park 15 .( 1 分)﹣ I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents . ﹣ _____ . They often use them to play games instead .(  ) A . I hope so B . I don't agree C . No problem D . Good idea 二.完形填空(共 1 小题,满分 15 分,每小题 15 分) 16 .( 15 分) Most people want to be happy , but few know how to find happiness . Money and success alone do not ( 1 )     happiness . A famous person once said , "Happiness depends on ( 2 )     . " In other words , we make our own happiness . Here is some advice that can make us ( 3 )     happier . The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the ( 4 )     things in life . Too often , we spend so much time thinking about the ( 5 )     , for example , getting into college or getting a good job , that we can't enjoy the present . We should enjoy life's simple pleasure , ( 6 )     spending time with close friends , listening to our favorite music , or ( 7 )     a good book . People who have a few close fri
译林版九年级英语上学期 期中提优检测试卷(含解析)




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