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北京市西城区九年级上学期期末英语试卷 北师大版(含解析)

期末考试 北京 北师大版 九年级英语 九年级上学期 九年级 北师大版 期末 英语 DOC   17页   下载0   2024-01-24   浏览28   收藏0   点赞0   评分-   免费文档
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北京市西城区九年级(上)期末英语试卷 、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选 择可以填人空白处的M佳选项 1. (.5分)- -Where is Jenny? - She is the library. ( ) A.in B.on C.to D.of 2.(.5 分) Sam is my good friend often go to school together in the morning .( ) A.I1 B.He C. We D . They 3. (.5分) - - Lucy , please ask Daming to meet me at the office . -Ok.I him as soon as he comes back .( ) A . have told B . will tell C . tell D . told 4. (.5分) - - How was yourtripto Qingdao, Jack? - Great ! The beach there was very beautiful , the seafood was nice . ( A.or B . because C . but D . and 5 . (.5 分) Knowledge is power , but sometimes I feel thoughts are. than knowledge.( A . powerful B . more powerful C . most powerful D . the most powerful 6. (.5分) My grandma has three dogs . She them every morning . ( A . is walking B . has walked C . walks D . walked 7.(.5分) - Lily , you look after yourself while your parents are away ? Of course I can . I'm not a baby . ( ) A. can B . need C . should D . must 8. (.5分) Do you know the boy. is playing the violin ?( ) A. who B . what C . which D . when 9.(.5分)My grandfather in this city for over 60 years . He knows every corner of it.( ) A. lives B . has lived C . is living D . will live 10.(.5分) - It is too noisy outside . What's up ? 第1页共18页 - Oh , some children football in the yard . ( A . played B . will play C . are playing D . have played 11 . (.5 分) It's an important event in history . Who knows. ? A . when does it happen B . when it happens C . when did it happen D . when it happened 12 . (.5 分) Hong Kong- Zhuhai- Macao Bridge , the longest sea- crossing bridge , in2018.( A . will complete B . completed C . will be completed D . was completed 二、完形填空(共8分,每小题8分)阅读下而的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题 所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择M 佳选项, 13.(8分) Looking at life differently When I was 14 , life was boring . However , I didn't mind having the same views (风景) every day . And even though my school had over a thousand students , I didn't really care to notice the differences between us all . But this boring view of mine( 1) _when my parents bought me a camera for Christmas . After a month of playing with my new camera , I realized I had no ( 2) for taking pictures . Even though I got friends to pose(摆姿势) in front of ancient buildings and in flowery fields , nothing seemed to (3) : My photos were clearly missing something of importance and had no creativity . After a while , I dropped my new hobby Then , a month or two later , I suddenly decided to pick it up again . During the summer break , I went for a walk on the railroad tracks (铁轨) behind my house . The tracks are a warm red color . Before the walk , I thought , " Maybe I should bring my camera . 第2页共18页 Surprisingly , this(4) was what began my love for photography . When I was walking on the tracks without a model and only nature around me , I realized how important it was to look at the details (细 节) of things . I didn't worry about trying to(5) something beautiful . Instead , I just took photos of the beauty already around me . I quickly became (6) _about color , lighting , shape and everything in between . After months of studying outdoor sights and looking at people's eyes , I was (7) able to create beauty of my own . Slowly , my photos became something I was proud of . So far , my works have appeared in two magazines and been shown in two different museums . They're not huge achievements , but they're important to me . And they're the (8) of how much my artistic abilities have grown . Thanks to this Christmas gift from my parents , I now have a new way of looking at the world . (1) A. appeared B . changed C . developed D . remained (2) A. talent B. wish C. time D . plan (3)A.lose B. hurt C. grow D. work (4) A. color B. house C. walk D . camera (5)A. copy B. mark C. create D . protect (6)A. crazy B . nervous C. wo
北京市西城区九年级上学期期末英语试卷 北师大版(含解析)




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