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人教版九年级英语全一册 Unit10单元测试精练(含解析)

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班级 姓名 硚学号 分数 Unit 10 You are supposed to shake hands. (时间:100分钟,满分:120分) 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.(2021·江苏·南京师范大学附属中学江宁分校九年级月考)More and morepeoplewould rather than in order to reduce the air pollution A . to walk; to drive B . walking; to driveC . walking; drivingI D . walk; drive 2.(2021·江苏·南京民办育英外国语学校九年级月考)—What?Why doIhave to the extra work? Come on! You are sure to make it. A. take up B . take off C . take on D . take away 3.(2021·江苏·南师附中树人学校九年级月考)一Where shallwe have a picnic this weekend? by the lake in the park. It depends on you. A . Not only; but also B . Either; or C . Both; and D . Neither; nor 4.(2021·江苏江都·九年级月考)John is good at doing sports.He climbs mountains plays soccer at 8:00 every Sunday morning. A . neither; nor B . either; or C . not only; but alsoD . both; and 5.(2020·江苏·南京师范大学附属实验学校九年级月考)My parents want me to get further study to be an engineer scientist, I would like to be a famous surgeon doctor. A . neither; nor; and B . either; or; but C . not only; but; so D . both; and; or 6.(2020·浙江·乐清市乐成公立寄宿学校一模)一Hey,youlookupset.Can Ihelp you? I really thank for your , but I believe I can manage it myself. A. offer B . question C . challenge D . suggestion 7.(2021·江苏·南京市科利华中学九年级月考)一Mum,I'mvery nervous before the exam. -Be , dear. You're sure to pass it. A . modest B . energetic C . organized D . relaxed 8.(2019·江苏宝应·九年级月考)一Wow, such a nice computer you've bought. Yes, it is of to me, but I must say it also cost me a lot. A. no use B . great help C . much value D . little importance 第1页共21页 9.(2020·江苏·景山中学九年级期中)Ifeel necessary to accept Mr. Li's advice because it's of great to me. A . it's; valuable B . that; value C . this; valuable D . it; value contest. That's the of his hard work. A . suggestion B . decision C . result D . habit 二、完型填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (2021·广西·富川瑶族自治县教学研究室九年级期末) What is rude and what is polite is different in different countries. Some things that many Chinese people do can be considered rude or not _11_ in western countries. Here is some advice on what not to say or do. Let's _12 In business settings(环境), one should never _13_ a foreigner a cigarette. Smoking kills. Don't kill anyone. That is very true, and it smells very bad. Please don't smoke! _14_ get angry at someone for going Dutch(各自付款) and _15_ the bill when you eat out In the west, it shows equal respect(尊重). Try going Dutch. It is cheaper, and it shows equality(平 等). When eating dinner in Norway and the United States, it is polite to _16_ everything on your plate to show that you enjoyed the food. _17_ in some countries, it is polite to leave some of the food on your plate. Don't use bad _18_ at work. Even though some famous people use them, bad words are a sign of a bad education. Bad words should be used _ 19_ or not at all. If you have to spit, clear your nose or clean your ears, do it in the bathroom where no one can 20_ you. Don't be a RUDE person at your office or in public 11. A. important B . polite C . pleased D . unhappy 12 . A. have a look B . have a rest C . have a try D . have a talk 13.A. offer B . pick C . point D . sell 14.A.Always B . Often C . Never D . Sometimes 15 . A . pay B . keep C . share D . take 16 . A . leave off B . eat up C . put off D . take away 17.A.And B . Because C . But D.So 18 . A . passages B . sentences C . texts D . words 19 . A . as much as possible B . as lttle as possible C . as often as possible D . as soon as possible 20 . A. hear B . prevent C . stop D . see 三、阅读单选(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) A (2020·福建·厦门大学附属科技中学九年级月考) Three students are talking about the New Year tradition of their own country. A . Christina from Spain On the last day of the year, the 31st of December, p
人教版九年级英语全一册 Unit10单元测试精练(含解析)




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