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【巩固提升】译林版九年级英语上学期 期中能力提升测试卷(含解析)

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【巩固提升】译林版九年级英语上学期 期中能力提升测试卷(含解析) 第1页
【巩固提升】译林版九年级英语上学期 期中能力提升测试卷(含解析) 第2页
【巩固提升】译林版九年级英语上学期 期中能力提升测试卷(含解析) 第3页
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期中 能力提升 测试卷 一 . 单项选择 1. Jerry Lin is ________ NBA player. He once studied at ________ university at Harvard. A. an; a B. a; a C. an; the D. a; an 2. Hurry up, _____ we will miss the beginning of the film. A. so B. or C. though D. but 3. ---When shall we travel to Australia, this year or next year? ---______ is OK. You decide. A. Neither B. Every C. Either D. Each 4. --- What do you think of the two children? --- The boy looks nice ________ white and the red sweater looks good ________ the girl. A. with, on B. in, on C. on, in D. in, with 5 Finding information in today’s world is easy. The __________is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not. A. ability B. competition C. challenge D. knowledge 6. ---Why not________ to the park with us now? ---Good idea! Let’s go. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going 7. --- Is David crazy about football? --- Yes, he often goes to play football _______ school is over. A. before B. since C. until D. as soon as 8. —Look! He’s jumping so far! —Hard to ________ his legs were once broken. A know B. find C. imagine D. realize 9. —Waiter, $20 for dinner, right? —I’m afraid $25, sir, for drinks are ___________. A. extra B. free C. spare D. equal 10. --- The novel Gulliver’s Travels is very nice. --- So it is. Could you tell me __________? A. how long I can borrow it B. that I can borrow it C. when should I return it D. if I can keep it for another week 11. — David, could you tell me ▲ the Olympic Games take place? — Every four years. The 32nd Olympic Games will take place in Tokyo in 2020. A. how far B. how long C. how much D. how often 12. Jane Austen, the writer of Pride and Prejudice , wrote many stories of love. But she _______single all her life. A. reminded B. remained C. realized D. required 13. ---Why does he look so tired out these days? --- He pracitses basketball every day so that he could _______ for the Slam Dunk Contest. A. stay out B. try out C. break out D. work out 14. Zhao Liying, who played the lead role in Journey of Flowers , says “As an actress, you _________ never be too hard-working.” A. must B. may C. can D. should 15. We are not sure if it ______ when we have our school sports meeting on Friday. A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. will rain 二 . 完形填空 In a faraway country, there were two carpenters (木匠) who were both so good at their job that no one could tell who was better. One day, the country’s king thought of a way to ___16___ which one was better. He would have them compete ___17___ each other in a contest. The winner would become the official royal carpenter. The king sent for the two carpenters and the contest ___18___ . The carpenters were given three days to carve (雕刻) a ___19___ mouse. Whoever carved the most lifelike mouse would be the winner. The first carpenter carved a fine mouse ___20___ vivid (生动的) and lifelike features. The second carpenter’s mouse, ___21___ , looked quite rough. In fact, it barely (几乎不) even looked like a mouse at all. The king and his ministers ___22___ that the first carpenter was the winner. The second carpenter said, “This judgment is unfair. We should ask a ___23___ which mouse looks the most realistic. Cats can recognize mice much better than humans, ___24___ .” The king thought this was a reasonable (合理的) ____25____ . He ordered his ministers to catch several cats and ____26____ them to judge the carpenters’ mice. ____27____ all of the cats were more attracted to the second carpenter’s mouse. The king asked the second carpenter, “ ____28____ did you make the cats believe that your mouse looked more real?” The carpenter said, “Your Majesty (陛下) , if you look closely, you can see that I carved a mouse ____29____ fishbone! The cats care not about how real it ____30____ , but how delicious it might taste.” 16. A. look for B. find out C. work out D. take out 17. A. a
【巩固提升】译林版九年级英语上学期 期中能力提升测试卷(含解析)




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