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人教版九年级英语上学期试卷 期中考试试题(含答案)

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九年级上学期期中考试 英语试题 听力略 单选 21. -Do you know our team won the match ? -Oh, great news! A if B whether C that D which 22. -May I go out with you tomorrow? --If your job _ by then. A is finished B finish C will be finished D will finish 23. -Would you please make the child _ any more? --Sorry, I can't. A don't cry B not to cry C don't to cry D not cry 24. Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness_action. A without B by C from D but 25. _happy when it's time to be happy and be patient until that time comes. A Is B Being C To be D Be 26. I tries several jackets on, but __ of them looks good. A both B all C none D neither 27. We like he not only because she teaches . but also she treats us A good friendly B good kindly C well friendly D well kindly 28. The life we were used to greatly since 1992. A change B has changed C changing D have changed 29. The plan isn't perfect, so we should . _and make a new one. A give it up B give up it C give it out D give it away 30. When I went to say goodbye to Anna, she __the piano. A is playing B plays C was playing D played A until B when C unless D because 32. The games can be changed or __ by making up your own rules .Just use your imagination. A improve B improved C are improved D will be improved 33. -Does the new movie Gang Jiong sell well? -Yes, it has received many good Areviews B viewsCinterviews D events 34. -Hurry up, or we will be late. --Take your time. It's just _ short distance from here to cinema. A/ ,the Bthe, a Ca, the D /, a 35. -Did Mrs King leave a message? --Yes. She wanted to know _ this Sunday. 三完形填空 第1页共8页 On the first day of school, all the excited students walked into the room expecting to start, everyone but David. He had had a hard summer. His father was in jail( 监). His mother had to work nights, so she wasn't at home in the evening and was 36_ when he woke up. As the weeks went on, David slowly gave up doing his 3Zand began to get into more trouble out on the playground. He was going down hill quickly. It was clear that he was looking for any kind of _38 even if it was negative. I also knew that he was not getting much 39_ at home. One day, David and I sat in the library and just talked. I told him that I knew that he was not an “F" student and that I was not going to let him 40_. It was my job to teach him, but his job to 41_. We talked about home and what he did after school. He knew what I _42_him to do and that I respected him as a person. As a result, his behavior in my room 43_. From then on David and I periodically sat in the library and just talked. He told me that his 44_was to pass the fifth grade and not be suspended(停学). Finally, the last day of school arrived. David had met his goal. During Teacher Appreciation(感谢) Week, the students had written about any teacher they wanted. In my booklet, on a piece of paper, it read: "You never give up me because you know I am smart. And for that I not only appreciate you, but admire you."-signed David. After reading that, I sat down with tears rolling down my face. We, as teachers, never know when or how we 45_our students. But it's the notes like this that make all we do worthwhile. 36. A. reading B. sleeping C. cooking D. leaving 37. A. shopping B. housework C. homework D. washing 38. A. attention B. encouragement C. excuse D. chance 39. A. praise B. care C. support D.blame 40. A. keep back B. fail down C. go out D. drop out 41. A.try B. watch C. listen D. play 42. A.told B. allowed C. taught D. expected 43. A. turned B. improved C. disappeared D. returned 44. A. goal B. idea C. plan D. job 45. A. protects B. educates C. helps D. influences 四阅读理解 A Reading Oliver James' Affluenza, I thought about what often happens at home. My 12-year-old daughter is in tears." I have so take a test tomorrow. I don't understand any of it," she cries out. After shouting and shutting her door, she calms down enough to go through her notes. The following dry I ask her how th
人教版九年级英语上学期试卷 期中考试试题(含答案)




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