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【单项选择百题分类训练】专题17 情景交际100题(含解析)-2024年中考英语复习(中考真题+名校模拟题)

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【单项选择百题分类训练】专题17 情景交际100题(含解析)-2024年中考英语复习(中考真题+名校模拟题) 第1页
【单项选择百题分类训练】专题17 情景交际100题(含解析)-2024年中考英语复习(中考真题+名校模拟题) 第2页
【单项选择百题分类训练】专题17 情景交际100题(含解析)-2024年中考英语复习(中考真题+名校模拟题) 第3页
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2024年 中考英语单项选择百题分类训练 (中考真题+名校模拟题) 专题 17 情景交际 100题 1.(2022·辽宁大连·中考真题)—Is this your sweater, Jack? —Oh, yes, it is. ________ A.Thank you. B.You’re welcome. C.Never mind D.Good luck. 2.(2022·辽宁沈阳·中考真题)— I am sorry that I broke your cup. — ________. Let’s just clean it up. A.Not bad B.Good idea C.Well done D.Never mind 3.(2022·广西梧州·中考真题)—Thank you for opening the window. —________! A.Come on B.No problem C.You’re welcome D.Never mind 4.(2022·山东滨州·中考真题)— Thank you for showing me around your beautiful city. I love it so much. — ________. We are looking forward to your next visit to Binzhou! A.Never mind B.All right C.That’s right D.My pleasure 5.(2022·浙江温州·中考真题)—Dad, we’ll play against a strong team in tomorrow’s football match. —________! Just try your best! A.Good idea B.Come on C.Thank you D.Wait a minute 6.(2022·黑龙江牡丹江·中考真题)— Kevin, please help me repair the alarm clock. — No problem! ________ A.It’s a piece of cake. B.I don’t think so. C.It serves you right. 7.(2022·辽宁营口·中考真题) — Shall we go fishing? — ________. The wind is too strong. Let’s stay at home and read books. A.Good idea B.I agree with you C.Don’t be silly D.No problem 8.(2022·广西河池·中考真题)— Amy, my class will visit the Bird’s Nest this afternoon. — ________ A.Good luck! B.Congratulations! C.Have a good time. D.That’s a good idea. 9.(2022·江苏镇江·中考真题)—Sam’s animal sign is the Tiger. It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave. — _______ He reported a crime to the police last week. A.I can’t agree more. B.You’re welcome. C.That’s not the case. D.Never mind. 10.(2022·江苏常州·中考真题)—It’s necessary for us to spend more time with our grandparents. —________. They won’t see us often after we go to college. A.I hope not B.I think so C.I’m sorry D.I’m not sure 11.(2022·山东菏泽·中考真题)—Lisa, pass me the phone, pleas
【单项选择百题分类训练】专题17 情景交际100题(含解析)-2024年中考英语复习(中考真题+名校模拟题)




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