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外研版九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life单元达标测试卷(含答案)

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外研版九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life单元达标测试卷(含答案) 第1页
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Module8 Myfuture life达标测试卷 1.听力 (I)听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子读两遍 ( )1 . AYes , they are . B.Yes , we are . C No , we are - ( )2 . A. She bought a handbag - B . She is dancing C. She will go to America . ( )3. A. No , never .B.Yes , Iam. C. No , he has . ( )4 . A. I was ill . B . So I finished my high school . C . Because I will make a speech tomorrow . ( )5 . A. Chinese . B. Friendship. C . My teachers . (II)听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话及问题读两遍 ( )6 . A.Ateacher . B. Apoliceman . C.Adoctor . ( )7. A. Adress . B.Ashirt and short trousers . C. Asuit . ( )8 . A .Her teachers . B . Her friends . C . Her parents . ( )9. A . Yes , she dick B. No , she didn't . C. We don't know . ( )10 . A . Because he can't pass the exam . B. Because he will make a speech tomorrow . C . Because he was ill . (III)听对话,选择正确的答案。对话读两遍 ( 11 . Who is going to be a teacher after high school education? A.Jack. B.Betty. C.Lucy. ( )12 . What is Betty going to be after high school education? A.Ateacher . B.A singer . C.Adoctor . ( )13 . What does Betty want to do before going to university? A . She wants to work in the hospital . B. She wants to travel . C . She wants to make some money . ( )14 . What does Jack think the best way to thank his teachers? 第1页共11页 A. To get a good job . B.To be a teacher C. Give his teachers many presents . ( 15 . Who is Betty interested in looking after? A . The old B . The wounded . C. The babies (IV)听短文,完成句子。短文读两遍 16 . Jane. _to go to senior high school . 17 . After she_ _from the high school , . she will go to university . 18 . She wants to he a 19 . She will continue to_ _the piano every day . 20 . Jane thinks one person must be honest and work - . She will try her best to be such a person . II.单项填空 ( )21 . This piece of music has a strong. . You can dance to it A. sizeB . level C.idea D. beat ( )22 . -Oh , my God!We have missed the last bus . What shall we do? --I'm afraid we have no_ but to take a taxi . A . choice B. decision C . reason D .information ( )23 . Today , Iintend _this book . A. finishing reading B . to finishing to read C . finish reading D . to finish reading ( )24 . --Bad weather!Do you think the rain will stop soon? _I want to play baseball outside . A. I hope so . B . I don't mind it . C. No problem . D . Not at all . ( )25 . -- Could you speak more slowly?It's not a good line . --Yes . Could you come out and fly a kite with me? A . Pardon? B . Nothing serious . C . It doesn't matter . D . Come oil ( )26.I'd like to thank three__people now ; the first group__my friends . 第2页共11页 A. groups of , is B . groups of , are C . groups , was D . groups , were ( )27 . We cannot live_ _air or water . A. with B.by C . under D . without ( )28 . --I hear_ _your grandpa_your grandma likes watching Beijing Opera. --Right , just as many old people do in our city . A.both , and B . either , or C . neither , nor D . not only , but also ( )29 . He failed to break the world record for long jump many times but he never his hope . A . took off B.put away C . gave up D.turned down ( )30 . Do you know Deng Ziqi__sings the song Pao Mo? A.which B. Who C.When D . where ( )31 . Some people were talking loudly , so he_ his voice A. rise B.rose C. raise D. raised ( )32 . This is the primary school_ _I had studied for six years . A . which B. what C. that D . where ( )33 . --Where's my shirt , mum? --I've_ it out . A. hang B. hung C. hanged D. hanging ( )34 . Could you go and__some bread for me?I'm hungry . A. take B. carry C . bring D.fetch ( 35 . I did badly in the English test How_ _I was! A. happy B. disappointed C . excited D. lucky 川.完形填空 A gentleman put an ad in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office . About 60 persons came for the_36_ . Finally , the gentleman chose one after the interview . "I'd like to know , "said a friend , “why you 37_that boy , who brought not a letter--not a recommendation(推荐信)." "You're 38_ . He did not bring a sing
外研版九年级英语下册 Module 8 My future life单元达标测试卷(含答案)




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