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人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?单元测试卷(含答案)

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人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?单元测试卷(含答案) 第1页
人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?单元测试卷(含答案) 第2页
人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?单元测试卷(含答案) 第3页
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Unit 4 测试 (限时:60分钟满分:100分) 1. -what's wrong you ? You look unhappy. -My mother makes me do my homework instead of watching Operation Red Sea. A. from B. with C. of D. to 2. -Did they make a decision at last ? -No. Everyone had a different about the plan. We need to have another discussion. A. opinion B. interest C. member D. relation 3. Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels when getting on it. A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy 4. Please this picture with that one, and then tell me the differences between them. A. compare B. advise C. explain D. return 5. Never put off tomorrow what you can do today. A. until B. before C. when D. as 6. I'm going to take him to some famous hutongs he can learn more about China. A. because B. when C. so that D. even though 7. Attention , please! Without permission , children are not allowed alone here. A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. swam 8. —1 my best friend yesterday morning. Why not call her up and say sorry to her ? A. depended on B. looked for C. hung out with D. argued with 9. The math problem is very difficult. I can't . Could you give me a hand ? A. work it out B. work out it C. cut it out D. cut out it 10. Our team lost the basketball game and I feel very sad. 第1页共7页 . I believe you can do better next time. A. It's right B. It's exciting C. It's not a big deal D. It's not a good idea 二、完形填空(每小题2分,共20分) Dear Sir , My parents always put so much pressure on me. In my free time, they only. 1'me to go to all kinds of classes. A few days ago, I didn't get a good me. I'm so 13 now. What should I do ? Bob Dear Bob , Sometimes parents make. 14too. Your mother shouldn't talk to you like that. Perhaps your parents grew up in a poor situation. They met so many 15 in their poor lives. So they want to give you the best. As a result, they try to 16you hard. You must be angry about all these. But you can't. 17with your parents. You should communicate with them. You could say , “"Mom, I. 18 you and I want to do the best. But what you said is not helping me out. _19--it makes me nervous. I want you to help me but not to hurt me. I understand you want 20 to have an easier life than you had. But I also need to have more time to relax and be a kid. " After you tell your parents your opinions, maybe they can understand you. Mr. White 11. A. refuse B. ask C. invite D. forget 12. A. grade B. price C. deal D. letter 13. A. happy B. comfortable C. surprised D. nervous 14. A. mistakes B. promises C. decisions D. noises 15. A. opinions B. skills C. difficulties D. members 16. A. compare B. guess C. copy D. push 17.A. talk B. say C. argue D. explain 18. A. love B. offer C. miss D. lose 19. A. Instead of B. Instead C. Once D. Though 第2页共7页 20.A.you B. me C. us D. them 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分) Micheal was a good boy. He was hardworking but shy , so he had no friends at school. James was a new student in his class. Other students soon got on well with him except Micheal. One day , some boys put some money into Micheal's bag and one of them pretended (假装) to have his money. Of course , they found the money in Micheal's bag at last. Micheal felt shameful , but he could not say anything about it. Soon his classmates called him a thief (贼) and laughed at him at school. His teachers also believed he stole the money and called his parents to the school. Just then , James stood out and helped Micheal make everything clear. From that day on , Micheal and James became good friends. James often took Micheal to take part in many activities and Micheal became active. Micheal often helped James with his math. Then Micheal had got more friends , and he became the monitor (班长) in his class. 21. Micheal had no friends at school because, A. he was a new student B. he couldn't get on well with James C. he was shy D. he worked very hard 22. The underlined word “"shameful" means in Chinese. A.害怕的 B.高兴的 C.伤心的 D.羞耻的 第3页共7页
人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?单元测试卷(含答案)




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