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10 双减政策-2024年中考英语新热点时文阅读

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2024年 中考英语新热点时文阅读- 双减政策 题型 主要内容 1 阅读理解 展示了“双减”政策给孩子们带来的不同影响。 2 阅读理解 介绍了在20 系统出台了“双减”政策,然后通过几个学生的自述叙述了“双减”政策对学生们的影响。 3 阅读理解 讲述了国家“双减”政策给学生们带来的变化。这项政策减轻了中小学生的学业负担,让学生有更多参加课外活动和培养兴趣爱好的时间,但也对学生的自律性提出了更高要求。 4 阅读理解 介绍了“双减”政策及取得的一些成果。 5 短文选词填空 为了减少家庭作业和课后训练的负担给学生带来的太大的压力,国家所采取的一系列措施。 01 (2022·安徽省马鞍山市第七中学一模)Can the “double reduction” policy (双减政策) really help you? Some students have different answers. Let’s have a look. Shen Yuzhe, 13, Beijing It really helps me a lot. I don’t need to do too much homework. I can finish it at school. I don’t need to take it home. I can swim or play ping-pong with my father. I’m very happy. Zhang Hangming, 13, Tlanjin I like the “double reduction” policy very much, because I can have free time to do my favorite things on Saturday and Sunday. I like to play the piano and play volleyball. I join a music club and I can go there on Saturday. Yu Zhiyue, 14, Jiangsu With the “double reduction” policy, I really have less homework to do. But now I can only take tutoring classes (辅导班) from Monday to Friday. So Monday is a very long day for me. On that day, I need to have classes on the computer at home after school. I am very tired. Cui Ruqi, 12, Liaoning It makes me have happy weekends. I can play the piano or read my favorite books on the weekend. I want to be a musician like my mother. She can play the piano and the violin very well. 1.What can Shen Yuzhe do after school now? A.Play sports with his father. B.Play volleyball. C.Go to a dancing club. D.Play the piano. 2.How many students like the “double reduction” policy? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. 3.Who have the same hobby? A.Shen Yuzhe and Cui Ruqi. B.Zhang Hangming and Yu Zhiyue. C.Cui Ruqi and Zhang Hangming. D.Shen Yuzhe an
10 双减政策-2024年中考英语新热点时文阅读





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