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人教版八年级上册英语 unit4 单元测试(2) (含答案)

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Unit 4 姓名 学号 班级 得分 听力理解 (略) 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) . ( )31. Of all pictures, this is most beautiful one. A.a B. an C. the D. / ( )32. Bob is my best friend, but we have nothing common. A. in B. on C.to D. as ( )33.— - What is the most important. in a day? Breakfast. A. meal B. time C. lesson D. place ( )34. - Betty doesn't do well in math, but she is talented in music. Yes, everyone is good at A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything ( )35.—David is a boy. - Yes, the way he works is quite different from others. A. serious B. poor C. creative D. careful ( )36. You can sit on the sofa , although it is old. A. carefullyB. seriously C. comfortably D. cheaply ( )37. - Why do people like going to Pizza House? It has the most delicious food, its service is poor. A. and B.so C. though D. if ()38. do you like the talent show? It's fantastic. A. Where B. What C. How D. Which ( )39.— - Is Tom hard-working? Yes, he works than any other student. A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest ( )40. Jackie Chan is a famous actor. He very well in many films. A. danced B.wrote C. sang D. acted ( )41. There are all kinds of cups in the shop. You can anyone them. A. ask; for B. spend; on C. choose; from D. share; with ( )42. It's up to you when we will start. A. decide B. to decide C. decided D. deciding ( )43. The story about the little girl is not . It's true. A. made of B. made up C. cut down D. brought out ( )44. - Can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the party? Yes, but a dress will be A. bad B. good C. worse D. better ()45. - Thanks for telling me everything. A. Here you are B. Good idea 第1页共6页 C. That's right D. No problem 三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) One day, some animals got together in the forest. They were talking about which animal was the _46 . The pig said, "Pigs are the greatest because we have many _47. I have twelve healthy little pigs." He asked the sheep, "_48_ babies do you have?" The sheep answered, “Two." Everyone _49_. A snake walked by and said, "I have fifty! " "So what?" said another animal. Everyone turned around and saw a _50_. The snake asked the lion, “Why do you speak so? You only have _51_. " The lion said, “I only have one, 52_ it is a lion. Only a lion can be the king of the forest. So lions are the best!" The other animals couldn't think of _ 53_ to say. They had many babies, but _ 54 of them could ever be as strong as a lion."One valuable (有价值的) thing," said the lion,"is much_55 than a hundred common ones." ( )46. A. worst B. best C. shortest D. tallest ( )47. A. babies B. houses C. friends D. brothers ( )48. A. How much B. How often C. How many D. How long ( )49. A. cried B. left C. forgot D. laughed ( )50. A. lion B. tiger C. panda D. giraffe ( )51. A. one B. two C. three D. four ( )52.A. if B. so C. but D. or ( )53. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything ( )54. A. someone B. anyone C. none D. everyone ( )55. A. worse B. better C. smarter D. faster 四、阅读理解(一)(每小题2分,共30分) A New StudentTalent Show Don't miss the New Student Talent Show! It will show the talent of new students. It will be on Friday, Septemher 18th, 2015, from 8:30 10:00 p.m. Andition (试唱) Ncw studcnts who want to audition for thc show can: ) Submit (提交) avideo to getconnected@byuiedu 2) Join the Talent Show Auditions on: Thursday, September 17th, 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Manwaring Center (MC201). If you have any questions about the Show. write an email to getconnected@byui.edu or call the Student Support office at (208) 496-1420. ( )56. When will the New Student Talent Show be on? A. On Monday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday. D. On Sunday. 第2页共6页 ( )57. How long will the show last? A. For an hour. B. For one and a half hours. C. For two hours. D. For two and a half hours. ( )58. When can students join the audition? A. At 9:00 a.m. on September 16th. B. At 1:30 p.m. on September 18th. C. At 9:00 a.m. on September 17th D. At 4:00 p.m. on September 17th. ( )59. Which of the
人教版八年级上册英语 unit4 单元测试(2) (含答案)




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