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【语法专项练】专题09-动词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第1页
【语法专项练】专题09-动词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第2页
【语法专项练】专题09-动词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第3页
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专题 09- 动词 2024年 中考英语一轮复习语法专项练(通用版) 一、单项选择 1 . Let’s ________ walking, and we’ll stop at noon for our picnic. A . to start B . start C . starting D . started 2 . There was a little girl sitting in the corner of the room and she seemed so ________. A . angrily B . sadly C . quietly D . lonely 3 . Your plan sounds so ________ that I think we can win the competition. A . well B . creative C . excited D . attractively 4 . There ________ a map of China on the wall. A . is B . am C . are D . be 5 . The soup ________ a little salty, there is no need to add more salt. A . looks B . smells C . sounds D . tastes 6 . Your advice ________ great. The teacher says she will think about it. A . tastes B . feels C . smells D . sounds 7 . —Dad, what’s for dinner? It ________ nice! —I’m cooking chicken soup. A . tastes B . smells C . looks D . feels 8 . The FIFA World Cup ________ in Qatar in November, 2022. A . will be taken place B . will take place C . will happen D . will be happened 9 . —Paul, have you tried this chicken? It’s a special in Luzhou and has been introduced in the TV program A Bite of China . —Yes, it ________ hot but delicious. A . eats B . looks C . tastes D . sees 10 . —Wow, something ______ nice, dad. —Haha, your mom is making chocolate cakes in the kitchen. A . tastes B . is tasted C . is smelt D . smells 11 . Nowadays, Chinese ________ by more and more foreigners. I’m really proud of it. A . are spoken B . is spoken C . spoke D . has spoken 12 . I’ve been trying to phone Mom all evening, but I can’t seem to _________ . A . get in B . get off C . get through D . get along 13 . The price of vegetables ________ so quickly these days. A . rushes B . adds C . rises D . raises 14 . —Who jumps ________, Tom or Beth? —Beth ________. A . farther ; is B . farther; does C . further; is D . further; does 15 . I like soft music because it makes me ________ relaxed. A . fel




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