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仁爱版八年级英语下册单元测试 Unit 7 Food Festival(提升卷)(含解析)

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仁爱版八年级英语下册单元测试 Unit 7 Food Festival(提升卷)(含解析) 第1页
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Unit 7 Food Festival 提升卷 班级___________ 姓名___________ 学号____________ 分数____________ (考试时间:60分钟 试卷满分:100分) 第 Ⅰ 卷 (选择题 共65分) 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共计10分) 1.Cindy wants to go to Huangshan, Anhui for a ________ because she likes Anhui cuisine(徽菜) very much. A.trip B.sale C.lesson D.habit 2.—What’s your new classmate like? —She is so shy. She often speaks so _______ that I can hardly hear her. A.loudly B.quietly C.clearly D.quickly 3.—Here is the________. What would you like for dinner? —I’d like some chicken and one bowl of beef soup. A.prize B.meal C.menu D.role 4.—Does Tim tell you if he ________ tomorrow? —No, he doesn’t. But if he ________, I’ll call you. A.will come; will come B.will come; comes C.comes; comes D.comes; will come 5.The weather there is ________ too hot ________ too cold, so few people refuse to live there. A.neither; nor B.either; or C.not only; but also D.both; and 6.— I wonder ________ there is a bus that goes to Fun Times Park. — Yes, there is. The No. 56 Bus will take you there. A.that B.when C.whether D.how 7.We haven’t decided ________. A.that we will repair our house B.when did we go to the party C.whether we will keep a pet D.where we went on vacation 8.—What should we do next? —Here are some vegetables. We have to ________. A.cut up them B.cut up it C.cut them up D.cut it up 9.— I wonder if Li Hua ________ to the hospital to receive COVID-19 vaccinations (疫苗接种). — I’m sure he will if he ________ time. A.goes; will have B.will go; has C.will go; will have D.goes; has 10.Tom finished his work ________, and he became ________. A.successful; successful B.successfully; successfully C.successfully; successful D.successful; successfully 二、完型填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) Robert Lee grew up in New York. Because his family wasn’t 11 , he learned from a young age that it’s important to cut down on food waste. 12 he was at school, he joined a student group to deliver leftover to people 13 homes. This experience made him 14 how serious the problem of food waste was. After 15 school, Lee and a friend started a club called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine. Its 16 is to get unsold food from restaurants and deliver it to people who need food. The members take the leftover food from restaurants around the city and 17 it to those in need. Lee and his team make an APP 18 for the club. Restaurants use it to give them the 19 about how much leftover food they have each day. Then members get the food and give it out. Lee’s club is a(n) 20 now. He and his team have delivered over 150,000 kilos of food, 21 almost 300,000 meals to people who need them. Lee just does a(n) 22 thing but he has really improved the 23 of people around us. But Lee says that 24 work isn’t over. “It is 25 the beginning. The need is so great that we need to do a lot more.” Word Bank cut down 减少 waste 浪费 deliver 传,送 rescue 抢救 leftover 剩的 cuisine 食物、菜 unsold 未售出的 11.A.big B.small C.poor D.rich 12.A.Though B.While C.Until D.After 13.A.at B.by C.without D.over 14.A.decide B.agree C.understand D.remember 15.A.passing B.visiting C.checking D.leaving 16.A.decision B.purpose C.address D.standard 17.A.give B.lend C.add D.save 18.A.safely B.widely C.especially D.quietly 19.A.advice B.reason C.answer D.information 20.A.dream B.success C.comfort D.event 21.A.serving B.cooking C.selling D.buying 22.A.easy B.sad C.little D.bad 23.A.lives B.plan C.safety D.health 24.A.my B.their C.our D. your 25.A.even B.also C.just D.again 三、阅读单选 (共20小题,每小题2分,共计40分) A It’s easy to just get fast food when you’re hungry. But it can also be unhealthy. So I decided to not have fast food for five days and make healthy food a
仁爱版八年级英语下册单元测试 Unit 7 Food Festival(提升卷)(含解析)




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