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外研版九年级英语下册单元测试 Module 6 模块测试题(含答案)

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Module 6 模块测 试题 一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1.Excuse m e,have you got a ? I ’d like to cut up the apple. A.fork B.knife C.spoon D.plate ( ) 2. -- Sha ll I the soup for lunch? -- Why not?It’ s a little coo l . A.make up B.turn up C.heat up D.put up ( ) 3.I wo n’t go to her party unl ess my best f riend Jack . A. w ill invite B.will be invited C.i s invited D.invites ( ) 4.Don’t put of today’ s work for tomorrow.I mean,today’ s work to d ay. A.may do B . must do C.may be done D .must be done ( ) 5. -- By the time we arrived,the concert had been . -- Bad luck! A . on B . away C. ou t D.over ( ) 6.If you are too late for the party,Sally will be . A.happy B.cross C.across D.clear ( ) 7.The vegetable soup was made tomatoes and mushrooms. A.by B . with C.in D . into ( ) 8.The meeting is over now.It’ s no good about it again A . talk B.t o talk C . talks D.talking ( ) 9. -- Linda. h elp to some fruit. -- Thank you. A . you B. y ours C.yourself D.yourselves ( )1 0.f find it hard to drive a car. A . to l earn B . l earn C. l earning D. learnt ( )1 1. -- Would you like to go to Betty’ s birthday party with me? -- . A . Not at all. B.Excuse me,I can’t. C.Yes,I'd love t o . D. N o ,thank you.I a m full. ( )1 2.In some countries,tea with milk and sugar. A. is serving B . is served C.served D.serves ( )1 3. -- Here i s your drink. -- . A.Thank you B.With pleasure C . That’ s right D.No problem ( )1 4.Yesterday I received a (n) from J im. He asked me to come to his party this Saturday. A.balloon B . invitation C . wing D.pear ( )1 5.The workers were made 15 hours a day in the past. A . working B . work C . to work D.worked 二、完形填空 (每小题1.5分,共15分) Around the world,people have different ideas about what good manners are.When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world,it’ s 1 6 to know the right and wrong things to d0.For example,in China it’ s OK to 1 7 a lot of noise in a restaurant.In fact,if a restaurant isn’t noisy and 1 8 ,you may think there’ s something wrong with it.However,in many western countries,restaurants are 1 9 places.If a table is too loud,other people who are eating there might even 2 0 t o the owner of the restaurant. Paying the bill is also different from country to country.In China,one person usually pays for 2 1 .In western countries,one person pays if he or she is entertaining clients(宴请宾客),but 2 2 friends eat together,they usually share the cost.This is called going Dutch(均摊费用).Als o ,when westerners pay the bill,they usually leave some money for the 2 3 .This is called“leaving a tip”.Leaving a tip is thought t o be polite.In the US,it’ s 24 to leave tips of 1 0%, 1 5%or 2 0%of the bill,which is decided by how good the service is.Good waiters can make a lot of money! The way people eat food is different in the world,but you can 2 5 the same kinds of food in many countries.Chinese and Italian food,for example,are popular all over the world. ( )1 6.A . popular B . difficult C.important D.enjoyable ( )1 7.A . cause B.keep C.hear D.make ( )1 8.A . livel y B . friendly
外研版九年级英语下册单元测试 Module 6 模块测试题(含答案)




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