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外研版九年级英语下册 Module 1 travel单元达标测试卷(含答案)

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外研版九年级英语下册 Module 1 travel单元达标测试卷(含答案) 第1页
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外研版九年级英语下册 Module 1 travel单元达标测试卷(含答案) 第3页
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Module 1 Travel 达标测试卷 1.听力 (I)听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子读两遍 ( )1 . A.Christmas Day . B. Spring. C . Surfing . ( )2 . A. Have a good time , too! B.Would you like to go with me? C. Thank you . ( )3 . A.Yes , sit here . B . No , of course not . C. Yes , you can take it . ( )4 . A . Goodidea! B . Ithink so . C . Not bad . ( )5 . A. I went there by taxi . B . I go to the book store every Sunday . C . There are plenty of new books there . (I)听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话及问题读两遍 ( )6 . A.By ship .B.By train .C . By plane . ( )7 . A.Atea party . B.A sehool-leavers'party . C . Abirthday party . ( )8 . A . To the east of China . B . In the east of China . C . On the east of China . ( )9.A. No.B.Yes . C . We don't know . ( )10 . A.Yes . B.No. C. We don't know . (III)听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍 ( )11 . What was the weather like last Sunday? A . Cloudy . B. Cold C. Warm ( )12 . What did the writer do last Sunday? A. He sat by the river . B . He sat in the boat . C . He sat at home . ( )13 . What were some children doing? A . They were boating . B.They were playing games . 第1页共12页 C .They were running . ( )14 . Who kicked a ball very hard? A .The writer . B. The man in the boat . C . One of the children . ( )15 . Why did the man laugh? A .Because he thought it was rather funny . B.Because he thought it was hard . C . Because he thought it was fine (IV)听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍 Travelling plan in Taiwan Days 16_days Ways of transportation by_17 cool and wet in the north Weather 18_in the south a1ways take an umbrella or a_19 Things to take take a camera The guide's phone number 20 Ⅱ.单项填空 ( )21 . In Nanjing , we stayed at a very nice hotel . But I can't remember. name of it . A.the B.a C.an D.I ( )22 . --We will fly to Hong Kong tomorrow A. That's OK B . Thank you very much C . Have a good trip D . You're welcome ()23.--I often go to school__foot , but I had to go to school _taxi this morning because of rain . A.by, by B.on,in C.on,by D.with,on ( )24 . He is sure to succeed in_ _the experiment . A. to do B. does C. doing D . did ( )25 . --Hurry up . It's almost time for school . 第2页共12页 --Don't worry . We are sure to be at school. A .at times B . on time C . all the time D . by the time ( )26 . --What do you want to be when you grow up? --A(n) - I want to fly a plane . A. actor B. doctor C . pilot D . teacher ( )27 . It's a little cold outside . You should put on your A jacket B. glasses C. camera D . ticket ( )28 . Liu Xiang is the first Chinese_ _the championship in the track events of Olympics A. wins B.to win C. win D . winning ( )29 . He didn't come here not the bad weather but he didn't feel well . A. because , because B. because , because of C. because of , because of D . because of , because ( )30 . _we continue to work hard , we are to finish our task ahead of time . A.As far asB . As soon asC. As long as D . As though ()31 .. : Acar is coming . You mustn't cross the road now A. Take care of B. Look after C.Take careD . Come on ( )32 . The plane to Chengdu_ just now . You have to wait until tomorrow A. took off B . took after C. took out D . took away ( )33 . You'd better__football on the street . It's dangerous to do that . A .don't play B. not play C . not to play D . playing ( )34 . --__will you have the final examination? --In half a month . A . How long B . How often C.How soon D. How far ( )35 : _ fathers can't go to the class meeting because they have gone on business . A. Jack and Mike's B. Jack's and Mike's C . Jack and Mike D . Jack's and Mike 川.完形填空 第3页共12页
外研版九年级英语下册 Module 1 travel单元达标测试卷(含答案)




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