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外研版八年级英语下册单元测试 Module 9 Friendship主题阅读 (含答案)

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外研版八年级英语下册单元测试  Module 9 Friendship主题阅读 (含答案) 第1页
外研版八年级英语下册单元测试  Module 9 Friendship主题阅读 (含答案) 第2页
bought him a new bike a few days ago. Module 9 Friendship主题阅 He decides to go to school by bike 读 tomorrow. (A) 下面丨栏中是一些学生对自己情况的介绍及交 (B) 友的愿望;Ⅱ栏是另一些学生的情况介绍,请 True friend 从Ⅱ栏中为栏中的学生找到最佳朋友。 Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a true ) 1. My name is Li Ming. I am good at friend. What is a true friend? most of my subjects except English. A true friend will be withyou want to make a friend who can help me whenever you need him or her. When with English. I can help him or her with you're sad, a true friend will cheer you other subjects. up and won't run away even if the whole ( ) 2. My hobby is playing table tennis. I world is against you. A true friend will try play table tennis whenever I am free. his or her best to help you without However, all of my friends can't do it very expecting anything in return. well. I hope I can make a friend who can If you have a true friend, you are beat me at table tennis! lucky. If you can also become a true ) 3. I love writing. I want to make friend of someone, you will be blessed, friends with anyone who has the same because it is much easier for all of us to interest as me. expect but very difficult to give. ( ) 4. My home is two kilometres north of 阅读短文,完成下列各题。 the school. I go to school by bike every 1. wants a true friend. day. Who lives not far from my home? I 2. A true friend will you hope we can be friends and we can ride to when you feel sad. school together. 3. It is to have a true friend. ) 5. I like reading. Who has the same 4. A true friend is always instead hobby with me? Let's be friends. We can of taking. read each other's books and talk about 5. It's to expect a true friend what we read! than to be a true friend of someone. (C) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 A. Wang Lan likes writing. She has a photo regular good keep that dream of becoming a famous writer. B. Li Wei is a l4-year-old boy. He is good Every person needs friends. Friends at table tennis and he won first place in are who open their hearts to us. the city's table tennis match last year. They always encourage us to try our,2 C. Zhao Min lived in America for a whole to do everything, and they even make us year two years ago, so she speaks good face challenges bravely. 3 in touch English. However, she is a little weak at with our friends is important to us all. In maths. this way, we can know how everything is D. Qian Hong loves reading. Her parents going on with our friends. Friends bought her many good books. communicate with each other in different E. Sun Yuepeng lives about three ways. Some make phone calls to their kilometres north of the school. He often friends . 4 -. Some send postcards to goes to school by bus. But his father their friends when they go on holiday. 第1页共2页 Others prefer to send interesting articles and _5_ along with their letters. Among the ways, there must be your favourite one. Anyway, let's communicate with our friends as often as possible. 主题阅读 (A) 1-5 CBAED (B) 1. Everyone 2. cheer, up 3. lucky 4. giving 5. easier (C) 1. those 2. best 3. Keeping 4. regularly 5. photos 第2页共2页
外研版八年级英语下册单元测试 Module 9 Friendship主题阅读 (含答案)




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