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【考点讲练测】考点36 任务型阅读之阅读填表(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(全国通用)

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【考点讲练测】考点36 任务型阅读之阅读填表(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(全国通用) 第1页
【考点讲练测】考点36 任务型阅读之阅读填表(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(全国通用) 第2页
【考点讲练测】考点36 任务型阅读之阅读填表(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(全国通用) 第3页
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考点 36 任务型阅读之 阅读填表 分析近 3 年各地市中考英语真题可知 ,完成表格型阅读的话题通常是与日常生活息息相关,包括观点建议类、介绍类、文化风俗类、环境保护类、饮食与健康类及科普知识类。词数为 200 — 260 词。文章以表格形式设空 ,设 5 空或者 10 个空。至少 4 道题的答案可以在文中直接找出 ,有 1 道题需要总结概括 ,如文章的标题或某一段的小标题。文体以记叙文和说明文为主。 解答此类题型 , 需要按照 "查表→析文→填表"的思路进行: 1. 查表。阅读表格 , 分析表格的项目内容和结构特征, 从而把握信息范围及对文章的理解方向。要特别关注文章的标题栏和表格前的小标题, 这样有助于理解文章大意。 2. 析文。快速浏览全文 , 把握文章大意;再仔细阅读文章内容, 找准细节定位。阅读文章是, 要利用多种阅读技巧, 对文章进行全面理解。 3. 填表。进行填表。多数题目的答案可以在文章中直接找出;少数题目需要在分析原文的基础上 , 结合题目对文章进行理解归纳答案;还需注重书写习惯, 多注意大小写的运用。 Passage1 Over the past billions of years, many animals and plants have lived on this beautiful planet. But about 99.9 percent of them died out. This is because they couldn’t adapt to (适应) where they lived. To survive, living things must change over time. This is called evolution (进化) . When reading this article, please remember that every one of us is a lucky dog. We evolve, and we survive! After years of evolution, now we have the abilities to live in the world and enjoy it. Just like humans, other animals on-Earth also evolve great abilities. For example, giraffes live on the grassland of Africa. To adapt to life there, they have evolved longer necks to reach the high trees, as well as longer legs to run away from lions and cheetahs (猎豹) . However, evolution also gives giraffes a strange habit: They only sleep for about 30 minutes a day and less than 5 minutes a time, and they sleep standing! Why are they so wakeful? Well, that’s because they are so tall. They need longer time getting off the ground and run. Because of this special sleep style, they won’t become easy mea
【考点讲练测】考点36 任务型阅读之阅读填表(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(全国通用)




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