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外研版八年级英语上册单元测试 Module 8 Accidents主题阅读+综合能力提升(含答案)

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外研版八年级英语上册单元测试 Module 8 Accidents主题阅读+综合能力提升(含答案) 第1页
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Module 8 主题阅读 A Zhang Lili, a young teacher from Heilongjiang, has been given the honor “ the most beautiful teacher ” . She risked her life to save 2 students from a high-speed bus in May, 2012. She was badly injured in the accident. Her good deed (事迹) a nd brave acts have won great admiration from across the country. M any people have sent best wishes to her and donated a lot of money for her treatment (治疗). Zhu Zhiwen was born in Shandong in 1969. A year ago, he was an unknown farmer. But now he is very famous because of his his great voice. He won the first prize in the program of I ’ m a Big Star . That day, he wore an old green overcoat, so people called him “ Overcoat Brother ” . He studied singing by bistening to the radio. And he keep s practicing singing every morning for nearly 30 years. Lin Shuhao, one of the most popular basketball player in NBA , is a Chinese-American. He was born in 1988, in California, USA. Lin Shuhao is known to people because of his high skills. Since February 4, 2011, he has led his team to win many games. Now he is so pupular on the Internet that the videos about him are been crazy spread. ( )1. Zhang Lili has been given the honour “ the most beautiful teacher ” because ________. A. she was beadly injured B. she risked her life to save two students C. she has a lot of money ( )2. What ’ s the meaning of the word “ admiration ” in the passage? A. 敬佩 B. 同情 C. 感激 ( )3. Where is Zhu Zhiwen from? A. Hei longjiang B. Califon ia C. Shandong ( )4. Lin Shuhao is ____________. A. an American teacher B. a farmer singer C. a basketball player ( )5. From the passage we can know ________. A. people have donated a lot of money for Zhang Lili ’ s treatment B. Zhu Zhiwen studied singing by perfessional training C. Lin Shuhao was born in China B M ike was kind of guy you love to hate. H e was always happy and always had something interesting to say. I f someone asked him how he was doing, he would reply, “ Couldn ’ t be better! ” He was really a care-free young man and never felt tired. M ike used to say, “ Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘ Mike, you have two choices (选择) today. Y ou can choose to be happy or you can choose to be upset. ’ I choose to be h appy. E ach time something happens, I am always ready to learn a good lesson. I choose to learn from life. ” I tried to understand what he said. I ndeed life is all about choic es. E very situation is a choice. T he bottom line is: You ’ re living your life and you make it either happy or sad. S everal years later I had a car accident and my legs were seriously injured. W hen I was lying on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or choose to die. I chose to live. P eople like to say, “ Choose the one you live and love the one you choose. ” W hy not choose the one we love and live happily? ( )1. What kind of man was Mike? A. A happy young man. B. A hard-working man. C. An ugly bad boy. D. A kind young man. ( )2.What does “ Couldn ’ t be better! ” mean? A. It ’ s bad.B. It ’ s very good. C. It isn ’ t bad.D. It isn ’ t very good. ( )3. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Mike tried to be happy every day. B. Mike chose to learn from life. C. The writer learned from Mike. D. The writer was unhappy every day. ( )4.When the writer got hurt in a car accident, ________. A . he loved the one people chose B. people loved the one he chose C. he chose to live D. he chose to die ( )5. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. Life Is Difficult B. Life Is Different C. Life Is Colorful D. Life Is Full of Choices 综合能力提升 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( )1. This morning I had hardly got to my school when it_______ to rain. A. had begun B. was beginning C. began D. begins ( ) 2.—How was your trip to Hang z hou , Jim? —Great! We _______ to Xixi Natio
外研版八年级英语上册单元测试 Module 8 Accidents主题阅读+综合能力提升(含答案)




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