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【语法专项练】专题10-时态一(一般现在时)(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第1页
【语法专项练】专题10-时态一(一般现在时)(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第2页
【语法专项练】专题10-时态一(一般现在时)(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第3页
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专题 10- 时态一(一般现在时) 2024年 中考英语一轮复习语法专项练(通用版) 一、单项选择 1 . He ________ newspapers at 8:00 every evening. A . reads B . is reading C . was reading D . has read 2 . David ________ with his friends every weekend. A . swims B . is swimming C . has swum D . was swimming 3 . Wendy ________ two cups of coffee in the garden every morning. A . drink B . is drinking C . drinks D . drank 4 . My father ________ the underground to work on weekdays. He is a green consumer. A . take B . takes C . took D . has taken 5 . —The movie yesterday was so moving. —I ________. It’s the saddest movie that I have ever seen. A . agreed B . will agree C . had agreed D . agree 6 . —I think we are supposed to show our health code first before entering. —I ________. That’s very important now. A . agree B . agreed C . will agree D . had agreed 7 . You won’t have the chance to succeed when you ________. A . gave up B . give up C . will give up D . are giving up 8 . The school bus picks up the students and ________ the forest. A . goes over B . goes through C . went for D . go past 9 . As soon as he ________ in Beijing, he will climb the Great Wall with his cousin. A . arrive B . arrived C . arrives D . has arrived 10 . Helen is good at math, so she ________ her brother with his math every day. A . is helping B . helped C . helps D . has helped 11 . My father is a tea lover. He often ________ tea after supper. A . drinks B . was drinking C . will drink D . is drinking 12 . —Tina, what do you usually do at weekends? —I ________ swimming with my friends. A . went B . go C . will go D . have gone 13 . Not only the kid but also their parents ________ the internet at the weekend. A . surfs B . surf C . will surf D . is surfing 14 . My grandpa always _________ glasses when he reads. A . wore B . wears C . has worn D . was wearing 15 . —Lily, what do you usually do on weekends? —I ________tennis with my




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