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外研版八年级英语下册单元测试 Module 10 On the radio主题阅读 (含答案)

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外研版八年级英语下册单元测试  Module 10 On the radio主题阅读 (含答案) 第1页
外研版八年级英语下册单元测试  Module 10 On the radio主题阅读 (含答案) 第2页
take watch story listen, evening Module 1o On the radio 主题 Do you like listening to the radio? I did 阅读 when I was 1. I grew up with the (A) radio. Radio list I remember my grandparents 2. a FM 88.7 FM 163.8 small black radio when I was a little 18:00 Soft Music 17:45 Daily Health child. Every day at 6:00 pm we 3. Report to stories and had supper. There was a 18:30 Everyday 18:20 Healthy Diet very long story, but we could only hear a Diet small part of it-just 30 4. every 19:00 China News 18:45 Music day. It might 5. a few months to 19:40 Weather 19:00 Society News finish all of the story. We listened to the Report story every 6. and never got tired 19:45 Story Time 19:45 Speaking of it. But as I grew older, I wanted 7. Hotline news reports on TV. Now I don't 20:30 Weifang 20:30 Healthy want to listen to the radio any more. 8. Culture Classroom my grandparents still Ilike listening to it. We have to have the radio 21:00 21:30 Education Entertainment News and TV on at the 9. time. News watch TV and they listen to their 10. 21:20 Popular/2 21:40 Classical on the radio. Music Music (C) 1. We can learn about the weather on Do you know Stephen Hawking? He is a the radio at scientist from England. He knows a lot A. 6:00 pm B. 7:00 pm C. 7:40 pm about the universe. He can hardly move D. 8:30 pm or speak because of his illness. He can only talk with the help of a computer. 2. Jane wants to know something about Hawking finished making a programme her illness. What can she listen to? A, Everyday Diet. B. Healthy with the Discovery Channel not long ago Classroom. He talked about life in the universe there. It took him three years to make C. Story Time. D. Popular Music. the programme. He believes that there is 3. What time does Society News begin? B. At 10:00 am. other life in the universe. However, he A. At 6:30 am. said that we shouldn't try to contact (联 C. At 6:45pm. D. At 7:00 pm. 4. How many programmes are there 系 ) any aliens out there. In fact, we about news on both FMs? should try not to contact aliens, because A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. their arriving in earth would almost 5. Mike wants to have a rest at 6:00 pm certainly means the end of humans. and half an hour later he will do his Hawking said, "lf aliens ever visited us, I homework. Which programme can he think the outcome (结局) would be the listen to? same as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn A. Soft Music. B. Entertainment News. C. Wei fang Culture. D. Classical Music. out very well for the native Americans." 1. Stephen Hawking is an (B) A. English scientist 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 B. American minute young have however same scientist 第1页共2页 C. English computer programmer D. American computer programmer 2. Stephen Hawking spent finishing making the programme. A. five years B. three years C. one year D. six months 3. Stephen Hawking talked about in the programme. A. how to use computers B. his illness C. life in the universe D. how to contact aliens 4. Stephen Hawking thinks if aliens arrive in earth. A. we should try to contact them B. we should kill them C. it may bring something bad to humans D. it may bring something good to humans 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Stephen Hawking can hardly move or speak. B. Stephen Hawking can only talk through a computer. C. Stephen Hawking believes there is other life in the universe. D. Stephen Hawking thinks Columbus wasn't the first to land in America. 主题阅读 (A) 1-5 CBDDA (B) 1. young 2. had 3. listened 4. minutes 5. take 6. evening 7. to watch 8. However 9 same 10. stories (C) 1-5 ABCCD 第2页共2页
外研版八年级英语下册单元测试 Module 10 On the radio主题阅读 (含答案)




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