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(2020-2022)中考真题英语分项汇编 专题28+应用文(解析版)(全国通用)

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专题 2 8 阅读理解 — 应用文 (一) ( 2022· 新疆 · 中考真题) Here is a timetable of courses in Children’s Palace. Monday Space Course 19: 00—20: 00 (once a week for two months) Dr. Li Hua (the teacher from Red Star School) More knowledge about the outer space. Place: Room 105 Thursday Chinese Clay Art Course 19: 00—21: 00 (once a week for three months) Chinese Clay Art. Join us to learn it. Call Ms. Huang Li at 8820231. Place: Room 109 Tuesday Photography Course 18: 30—19: 30 (once a week for two months) Mr. Chen Yi, from Evening Paper, will show you how to take good pictures. Bring your own camera. Place: Room 218 Saturday Cooking Course 14: 00—16: 00 (once a week for two months) Ms. Qian Hong (a famous cook) Learn some common dishes, like scrambled eggs with tomato ( 番茄炒蛋 ). Place: Room 305 Wednesday Biology Course 18: 00—19: 00 (once a week for one month) Learn about earthworms ( 蚯蚓 ) in a field. Place: In the yard of Children’s Palace Sunday Chinese Shadow Puppetry ( 皮影戏 ) Course 15: 00—17: 30 (once a week for three months) Tell the story of Journey to the West by Mr. Liang. Place: Room 308 37 . When can you learn more about the outer space in Children’s Palace? A . On Sunday. B . On Saturday. C . On Tuesday. D . On Monday. 38 . Who can you learn from if you want to know more about the Chinese Clay Art? A . From Dr. Li Hua. B . From Ms. Huang Li. C . From Mr. Chen Yi. D . From Mr. Liang. 39 . Where can we have the Biology Course? A . In Room 109. B . In Room 305. C . In the yard of Children’s Palace. D . In Room 218. 40 . What can you learn in the Cooking Course? A . How to cook. B . How to tell a story. C . How to take photos. D . How to make clay pieces. 41 . Which course will last for the longest time? A . Photography Course. B . Chinese Shadow Puppetry Course. C . Cooking Course. D . Biology Course. 【答案】 37 . D 38 . B 39 . C 40 . A 41 . B 【解析】 【导语】 本文是一张少年宫的课程表,介绍了课程内容、时间、
(2020-2022)中考真题英语分项汇编 专题28+应用文(解析版)(全国通用)




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