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13 走近外国著名作家-2024年中考英语新热点时文阅读

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2024年 中考英语新热点时文 阅读- 走近外国著名作家 题型 主要 内容 1 阅读理解 介绍了英国著名儿童图书作家迈克尔•罗森的经历。 2 阅读理解 本文讲了马可波罗的故事,他走遍中国并写了一本关于中国的书,但其他人不知道中国在哪里,所以没人想信他,后来有人来到中国并想信了马可波罗,哥伦布长途旅行后发现了美洲。 3 阅读理解 介绍的是世界文化名人、剧作家、诗人莎士比亚的生平和经历。 4 短文填空 讲述了英国有史以来最著名的小说家之一——查尔斯·狄更斯。 5 短文填空 介绍了海伦凯勒的故事。 01 (2022·安徽·合肥市五十中学新校三模) Have you seen this meme (表情包) online before? The man in the meme is Michael Rosen, a famous British children’s book writer who has written about 140 books. He’s known as “nice granddad” in China. Michael Rosen was born in Middlesex, the UK in 1946. His parents were both teachers. Michael Rosen started writing poems about people he knew when he was twelve years old. Michael Rosen is busy with the teaching of writing and the reading of literature (文学作品) in schools. He visits schools to encourage children with his love for books and poems. He is one of the first poets to make visits to schools around the UK and the world. He is also one of the first poets to write about his own childhood (童年) experiences and to write them in the language children actually use. However, life hasn’t always treated Rosen well. Eddie, his second son, died at the age of 18. Rosen couldn’t forget how he felt. The death of his son was the inspiration (灵感) for Michael Rosen’s Sad Book . In March 2020, Rosen was sent to the hospital because of COVID-19. Later, Rosen recovered (恢复), but one of his ears went deaf and he had to learn how to stand up again, just like a kid. However, for Rosen, it was not the end of the world. He turned the sad experience into writing. He wrote the book Many Different Kinds of Love and faced up to life with the most important thing — optimistic (乐观的) spirit. 1.When did Michael Rosen start writing poems? A.In 1946. B.In 1958. C.In 1964. D.In 2020.
13 走近外国著名作家-2024年中考英语新热点时文阅读




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