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全国通用 2023-2024学年 一轮复习 专项复习 中考复习 中考 复习 英语 DOCX   15页   下载0   2024-06-02   浏览8   收藏0   点赞0   评分-   19602字   免费文档
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【语法专项练】专题04-数词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第1页
【语法专项练】专题04-数词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第2页
【语法专项练】专题04-数词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第3页
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专题 04- 数词 2024年 中考英语一 轮复习语法专项练(通用版) 一、单项选择 1 . Nowadays, ________ birds fly to the warm south in winter. A . million B . millions C . two millions D . millions of 2 . It’s reported that a _______ girl named Wang Li has won more than 100 medals. She started to learn to dance at the age of _________. A . 14-year-old; three B . 14 years old; third C . 14-year-old; third D . 14 year old; three 3 . —It is Mom’s __________ birthday next Wednesday. What should we do? —What about buying her __________ flowers to show our love? A . forty; forty B . forty; fortieth C . fortieth; forty D . fortieth; fortieth 4 . There are ________ people in the picture, and the ________ one from the left is me. A . eight; third B . eight; three C . eighth; third D . eighth; three 5 . ________ of the world’s books and newspapers are written in English. A . Thirds four B . Threes fourth C . Three quarter D . Three quarters 6 . ________ players took part in the sports meeting last month. A . Hundred B . Hundreds C . Hundred of D . Hundreds of 7 . —________ is the population of Guizhou? —It has more than ________ people. A . How much; thirty-eight millions of B . How many; thirty-eight million of C . What; thirty-eight million D . How large; thirty-eight millions 8 . —It’s ________ birthday of CCYL ( 中国共青团 ) this year, isn’t it? —Yes, it is. We had a party for it. A . 100 B . 100s C . 100’s D . the 100th 9 . I waited a quarter of an hour and went home. A . 10 minutes B . 15 minutes C . 30 minutes D . 45 minutes 10 . According to a new rule, children below _______ grade will not have homework anymore. A . three B . third C . the third D . a third 11 . —I’ll have my ________ birthday party at my house this Friday. I’d like you to come. —How time flies! You’ll be ________ years old. A . twentieth; twentieth B . twentieth; twenty C . twenty; twenty D . twenty; twentieth 12 . The tower was built ________ years




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