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【语法专项练】专题05-形容词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第1页
【语法专项练】专题05-形容词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第2页
【语法专项练】专题05-形容词(含解析)-2024年中考英语一轮复习(通用版) 第3页
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专题 05- 形容词 2024年 中考英语一轮复习语法专项练(通用版) 一、单项选择 1 . Katie is ________ of the three girls in her family. A . young B . younger C . the younger D . the youngest 2 . Leo likes speed skating and he thinks it’s _________ event at the Beijing Winter Olympics. A . exciting B . more exciting C . most exciting D . the most exciting 3 . The Bund looks much ________ at night when the colourful lights are on. A . most beautiful B . the most beautiful C . more beautiful D . beautiful 4 . Mark is very busy. He now runs one of ________ factories in his city. A . large B . larger C . largest D . the largest 5 . There was a little girl sitting in the corner of the room and she seemed so ________. A . angrily B . sadly C . quietly D . lonely 6 . The famous attractions weren’t as ________ as they used to be. A . crowded B . more crowded C . most crowded D . the most crowded 7 . The ________ kids learn to be independent, the ________ it is for their future. A . late; good B . earlier; better C . earlier; worse D . late; bad 8 . During the one-hour lesson, Lin used some ________ ways to teach us how to play the guitar. A . interest B . interests C . interested D . interesting 9 . At the beginning of the COVID-19, the mask, common produce to prevent virus spreading, was ________ than ever before. A . more dearer B . much expensive C . much more expensive D . a little dear 10 . — Sarah, I am a slow reader. Could you please give me some advice to improve my reading speed? — Well, keep on reading something you enjoy. The more you read, the ________ you’ll be. A . busier B . fresher C . slower D . faster 11 . ________ exercise you take, ________you will become, but this is easier said than done. A . The less; the healthiest B . The more; the healthiest C . The less; the healthier D . The more; the healthier 12 . After taking tennis classes, Tim is much ________ than last year. A . strong B . stronger C . stro




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